Laundrobot Rider Registration Around Bandar Sri Damansara Area
Registration Requirements:
1) Malaysian citizen (MyKad/MyTentera only)
2) Age 18-69 Years
3) Own a motorcycle that has active insurance.
4) B/B2/P Motorcycle Driving License (L License NOT accepted)
5) Has no past police/criminal/court charges.
6) Not more than three (3) summonses related to dangerous driving (Speeding, Red Light, Hit and Run) within a 1-year period or nine (9) within a 3-year period.
There is no fee for registration application.
Please fill in the following details below completely. Admin will process your document and you will be contacted by us after the application is confirmed.
Syarat-Syarat Pendaftaran:
1) Warganegara Malaysia (MyKad/MyTentera sahaja)
2) Umur 18-69 Tahun
3) Memiliki motosikal yang mempunyai insuran yang aktif.
4) Lesen Memandu Motosikal B/B2/P (Lesen L TIDAK diterima)
5) Tidak mempunyai kes silam polis/jenayah/tuduhan mahkamah.
6) Tidak melebihi tiga (3) saman berkaitan dengan pemanduan bahaya (Speeding, Lampu Merah, Langgar Lari) dalam tempoh 1-tahun atau sembilan (9) dalam tempoh 3-tahun.
Tiada bayaran dikenakan bagi permohonan pendaftaran.
Sila isi butiran yang berikut di bawah dengan lengkap. Admin akan proseskan dokumen anda dan anda akan dihubungi pihak kami setelah setelah permohonan disahkan.
Make sure the email address and registration phone number are correct.
Thank you for registering with us.